Welcome to Happy in the Hills

Happy in the Hills – DIY, Blogs and more

Who is Happy in the Hills?  We seek harmony amid the noise.  We strive to find calm in the chaos.  Honestly, we make it up as we go!

“Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself.”

—Chelsea Handler —

The blogs!

Liz and Shane blog about a variety of topics!


Liz’s content content and blog! Liz is the curator of Happy in the Hills. Mother of Dragons!

Shane - zentriathlete

Shane’s blog and musings about triathlon including his wanderings of reasonable self scrutiny.

Team Livingston

Blog about all things teamlivingston aka the dragons. We wouldn’t have it any other way!


Blog focusing on our Do it Yourself projects. Maybe we will inspire you along the way, too!

Yoga - more to come!

Liz is finalizing her studies and certifications to instruct and guide others in yoga.

Hylian Gamer01

All things teenager from our teen!

Team Livingston!

Our dragons aka circus of chaos!





Aspirations, failures, successes!

Lessons learned, wisdoms earned, chaos yet to be explored!

dad with kids

Enough looking,
Let’s dive into

Happy in the Hills Content

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